Day Sixty
July 10 - Finally the last day in Taiwan and the end of an 8 week adventure. Looking back, the very first week of being in Taiwan I didn't think that I would miss the place that much when I left. Now that has changed 360 degrees and I miss Taiwan very much because of the people I met there and the memories we created together.
Hui Chee and I had flights within half hour of each other in the afternoon so a lot of our friends came to where we lived at 9am to have farewell breakfast with us! Throughout the meal I was happy to get another chance to see them but also a little down because I knew the goodbye was coming soon.
Last breakfast together |
Back at our homestay family's house we took photos and left the house 40 minutes later than the planned time. Five minutes before getting into the car, we all hugged each other goodbye and that was when I cried. I've never cried that quickly before but the surge of emotion looking around at these people that I might not see again (or at least soon) made me sad.
Friends <3 |
For Hui Chee and I, we had similar experiences in Taiwan because we were always together. In the beginning there were three of us (HC, Olivia and I) then came a fun fourth person, Darm to join our project. Although the project didn't go smoothly, we thought that we at least had each other. Then due to different circumstances both Olivia and Darm had to leave Taiwan, leaving HC and I.
It was a little bit lonely those 2-3 weeks where it was mostly just us two but boy was I glad to have her around. We made the most of it and had a fabulous trip around the island. Thanks roomie!
Our experience in Taiwan went up bit by bit when week 5-6 came starting with the arrival of Elvira, then an entire group of new friends from all over Asia (Angeline, Tommy, Leanne, Suvda, Jin Yee, Jackie). We started off mediocre, fell to a low and reached a peak up till the day we left on July 10th. What awesome people to have met before we left Taiwan!
The local Taiwanese friends Derek, Sonia, June, William and Lut who came to say farewell also made us feel welcomed in Taiwan.
Waving goodbye to our car |
Our homestay auntie and uncle drove us to the airport. Thank you for letting us live with you for 60 days, giving us good food and taking us around Taipei!
Homestay auntie and uncle |
The plane ride home was very long and a little stressful because I only had 15 minutes to transfer flights and pass through security! But with some running and the help of a Cathay staff, I made it :)
Aerial view of Hong Kong |
Gratitude and appreciation for everything I learned, experienced and felt in Taiwan. This has been the longest I've stayed in Asia and I'm glad it was here.
Take care,